Why Not Just Go

Don't let life get in the way of adventure

Travel Companions

So what would traveling be without travel companions.  Travel companions can be a friend, your partner, your family, or your extended family.  Now these travel companions are an extension of our family.  We’ve been vacationing together for years, we’ve been to St. John, USVI, Outer Banks, NC, and Snowshow, WV together.  And now this adventure out west.  However they are not driving out to Yellowstone, they took the more direct approach and some would say smarter approach, they are flying out to meet us in Cody, Wyoming July 17th.  One of these companions, that we call MTP, has never been this far out of her element.  And leave it up to me to throw a huge monkey wrench into our summer travel plans when I said in 2016 “we’re not going to the beach for summer 2017, we’re all going to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks”.  Now MTP is more of a city/beach girl and if you know MTP you know that she can’t be without her cell phone.  And this is where I get all giddy inside, because with the spotty cell service in the parks we will all have to be disconnected and present on this vacation.  Nothing but us and probably 100,000+ people and bears in the park.  We’ll talk about the bears in a later post.  However I’m pretty certain I will witness her curled up on the ground, in the fetal position, gazing at her phone mumbling…”just 1 bar, please just 1 bar” as she’s trying to get cell service.  I believe this will be very therapeutic for her.

“just 1 bar, please just 1 bar”

On Sunday we had brunch at their house, along with some delicious mimosas, so we could discuss what they needed to pack and to go over final plans.  Plus we got to see the many purchases that MTP had bought.  A sun hat, a new gore-Tex jacket for her(which will not fit in her backpack), and a new jacket for her son.  The best was the conversation about this 3-in-1 jacket for her son.

We discussed what sites we would see and as you can see from the picture below, Briana was giving MTP a brief tutorial of Yellowstone and what we might encounter.  What came out of these conversations was that we are all very excited for this adventure and a question from MTP “when are we going back to St. John?”
I still can’t believe we leave in 2 days.  I hope everyone is ready for this….

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