Why Not Just Go

Don't let life get in the way of adventure

Day 5: Yachats, Oregon to Crescent City, California

We loved our little piece of heaven on the Oregon coast so much so that we didn’t depart until 10:45am from Yachats. Which is actually pronounced YAH-hots. This place was magical and believe it or not back in 2011, the… Continue Reading…

Day 4: Oregon Coast Highway 101…

We were up and out of our hotel by 7:20am today heading towards the Oregon coast. We managed to make it about 20 minutes out of Portland when our awesome CHEVY MALIBU chariot, that I preached about yesterday, went from… Continue Reading…

Day 3: Off to Portland, Oregon

We got up extra early this morning to get out of Seattle before the March For Our Lives kicked off and shut down all the streets. We were all down stairs, bags in hand, and I was off to find… Continue Reading…