Jackson, WY
July 28, 2017

July 25 and 26 – So this morning we departed Jackson Lake Lodge. But not before David, Briana, and I ventured up the trail that runs alongside the lodge, Lunch Tree Hill, to see if we could spot a moose. We got real lucky and spotted a young bull moose laying down in the field, along with some elk. Of course we had to take one final group shot in front of our little cabin.

On our way down to Jackson we stopped alongside the snake river to take some final photos of the families in front of the Teton range. Such beauty in those mountains.
We checked into The Lexington at Jackson, a hotel within walking distance of everything that the town has to offer. It was a little damp in town, so we all put on our rain coats and ventured out. We walked to the famous Jackson Square and took our family photos, did a little shopping, grabbed a small bite to eat at the Pearl Street Market, then headed back to our hotel for a couple of hours to relax and unwind before dinner (but not before Sienna snapped a photo with the Budweiser Clydesdale that was in town for the county fair).

Our great neighbors Pat and Cheryl Mitchell recommended this small little thai restaurant to us called Thai Me Up. And boy am I glad they did! The best thai I think I’ve ever had. The green curry is a must! They are also home to Melvin Brewing, which was also delicious. Overstuffing ourselves we made the walk back to the hotel for more evening cocktails.

The next morning we ventured up to Jackson Hole Ski Resort for a ride up the mountain on their 60 passenger tram to 10,450’. Maurisa was not on board with this adventure, however she was a trooper and went along for the ride. (With her eyes closed)
Got some great photos on the way up of the valley and the most famous ski run in the west, Corbet’s Couloir.
We reached the summit and began to explore the top of the Tetons. We watched a paraglider attempt to launch, unsuccessfully due to bad wind direction. And in the distance I saw the rain coming. So we all quickly snapped our family photos and then made a run for Corbet’s Cabin. Rain and hail at 10,450’ kinda sucked!

We had to wait about 15 minutes before the next tram and they announced that if we wanted to get down that we needed to take this one or it could be a while. When lightning is in the area they won’t run the tram. So we made a run for it and made the 12 minute trip back down. Unfortunately the tram smelled like a wet gym sock. Kiley did not like that!
Once back down we had to wait out the rain in a little restaurant/bar. Once the rain passed we took the smaller gondola up the mountain with hopes of having lunch on top of the mountain (at about 9000′). Well we made it to the top and were unable to get out, once again due to lightning. So back down we went and settled for lunch, and a beer, at the same spot we just came from. We walked around the village, did a little shopping, then headed back into town.
Once back into town we did a little more shopping (too much shopping actually) then made our way over to the Snake River Brewery for some late afternoon drinks on the lawn. Great little spot! They have putt putt for the kids and corn hole for the whole family and the beer was pretty good.
Afterwards David, Derek, and I went to the Teton Gravity Research shop to pick up a hat for little D and then grabbed a large pizza to take back to the hotel. We all ate in our room for our final evening together.
If I had to do it all over again I would only stay 1 night in Jackson and add another day in Teton National Park. There is so much more we could have done in Teton, and there is only so much shopping that one person can do! Our travel companions on this leg of our journey depart tomorrow for their flight back home to Alexandria. Thanks Potts family for being part of this crazy adventure!
Tomorrow Aspen!!!!!!
Love the family pic at the top! Good to know about Jackson vs. Teton, filing that away.