Where Do We Go Next?
June 29, 2017

Approximately 2 years ago the wife and I were throwing around summer 2017 vacation ideas. We were all over the map. Possibilities were taking the girls to Grand Cayman, visiting castles in Ireland, to visiting national parks here in the US. We decided on Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. However here’s the catch, we are driving!! Clark W. Griswold has nothing on me. I just wish we owned a Wagon Queen Family Truckster.
So I flipped opened the laptop, typed in “driving time from Vienna, VA to Yellowstone National Park”……and BAM! Only a short 32 hour drive. Oh we’ve got this. So we slept on the idea for a few days and realized how much fun this could be and the memories that our girls would have after driving 3/4 of the way across the US. Our trip would take us by several other national parks, (Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Devil’s Tower) that we would otherwise probably never visit. Plus the girls being 12 and 9, are at the age where they still want to vacation with their mom and dad and what better time than now.