Why Not Just Go

Don't let life get in the way of adventure

And So The Planning Begins…

On May 1st 2016 at 10:00AM eastern time, I was on hold with Xanterra trying to make hotel reservations for Old Faithful Lodge and Lake Yellowstone Hotel.  My anxiety was high with hopes that I get the rooms and/or cabins that I was after.  Oh and did I mention our girls’ god parents and their son would also be joining us on this leg of our journey, so I need 2 of everything.  After 45 minutes on hold, I was finally able to speak with someone.  3 nights staying in a frontier cabin in Lake Yellowstone Hotel and 2 nights in Old Faithful Inn.  Now these cabins look like a shed but with running water.  And I really hope they don’t look like they are straight out of a 80’s slasher flick like “Sleepaway Camp”, “Friday the 13th”, or my favorite “Madman”.  I just need to make sure I keep those thoughts to myself and not tell my girls a scary story about cabins in the woods, at least until we get there.

Cabin from Sam Raimi’s 1980 classic “The Evil Dead”

I was excited that I scored reservations for summer 2017 and couldn’t wait.  But the REAL question was… how do we get there?